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As the new year unfolds, it’s crucial for residents and businesses in Singapore to stay informed about their tax obligations. Filing income tax in Singapore is an annual responsibility that requires attention to detail and adherence to specific deadlines. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the key dates, processes, and considerations for filing your income tax in Singapore for the Year of Assessment (YA) 2024.

Income Tax In Singapore: Understanding the Singapore Tax Year

Before diving into the filing deadlines, it’s essential to understand how the tax year works in Singapore. The tax year, also known as the Year of Assessment (YA), runs from January 1 to December 31. However, the income you report is for the previous calendar year. For instance, when filing your taxes in 2024 (YA 2024), you’ll be reporting your income earned from January 1 to December 31, 2023.

Income Tax In Singapore: Individual Income Tax Deadlines

In Singapore, the tax return filing period officially begins in early April. Generally, the deadline is April 15; however, there are additional factors to consider: 

1. Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident Individuals: As a general rule, these individuals are permitted to file their tax returns online via the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS) website. In fact, filing online allows for filing early in certain cases. According to IRAS data, in 2023 at least 90% of Singapore Citizen and Permanent Resident individuals filed their tax returns online. 

2. Foreigner Individuals: The filing date of foreign individuals working in Singapore varies by their employment status and the income type. It is generally prudent to speak with a tax advisor or refer to the IRAS website for information. 

3.  Late Filing: Not complying with the April 15 date means penalties will apply, including late filing fines and interest on the tax unpaid. Thus, it is important to file your returns on time to avoid the financial penalties associated with lateness.

Income Tax In Singapore: Corporate Income Tax Deadlines

Businesses in Singapore have specific deadlines for tax filing, too. Generally, the filing date for corporate income tax returns is in November, but the exact date may differ slightly based on business type and fiscal year- or fiscal period-end.  

According to IRAS, the vast majority of Singapore-registered companies file electronic corporate income tax returns. The data continues to demonstrate the Singapore-registered companies’ fast adoption to electronic means for tax compliance. 

Key Data Points

1. Average Individual Tax Rate: In Singapore, the average effective income tax rate for individuals was 17.8% in 2023, which is quite low in relation to many other countries.

2. Corporate Tax Rate: Singapore’s corporate tax rate is one of the lowest in the world. For the 2024 year of assessment, the corporate tax rate is set at 17%.

3. Tax Incentives: There are various tax incentives offered by the Singapore government, which aim to attract businesses and incentivize economic growth. These tax incentives include deductions, rebates, and exemptions.

4. Tax Revenue: For income tax revenue in Singapore, for 2023 there was SGD 72.3 billion in income tax revenue, which relates to total tax revenue of about 25%.

5. Audit Rates: The IRAS conducts regular tax audits in order to ensure compliance with the law. According to IRAS data, the average audit rate for individuals and businesses across all tax categories in Singapore was 2.5% in 2023, indicating low audit rates.

Suggested Read: Optimizing Your Singapore Tax | Claiming Business Expense Deductions

Income Tax In Singapore: Tips for Successful Tax Filing

1. Online Filing: To improve filing efficiency and reduce errors it would be wise to file your tax return online through the IRAS portal.

2. Consult Tax Advisors: If you require assistance with complicated tax matters, it may be valuable to consult a tax advisor. 

3. Record Keeping: Keep good records of your income, expenses and deductions in case you need to reference anything during tax season. 

4. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on the IRAS website for any updates or changes to tax laws or regulations. 

Understanding specific deadlines, requirements, and data points related to income tax in Singapore can help individuals and businesses have confidence in navigating tax matters and adhering to the law.


  1. General Questions
  1. Specific Questions for Individuals
  1. Specific Questions for Businesses
  1. Other Questions

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