CPF Rate Singapore | How Much CPF Contributions To Pay


Singapore’s Central Provident Fund (CPF) is a mandatory savings scheme that sets aside a portion of your salary for retirement, housing, and healthcare. Understanding your CPF contribution rate is crucial for financial planning. Let’s delve into the specifics of CPF rates in Singapore.

What is CPF Rate Singapore?

The CPF rate in Singapore refers to the percentage of your monthly salary that you and your employer contribute to your CPF account. These rates vary based on your age and employment status. The CPF Board regularly reviews and adjusts these rates to ensure adequate savings for Singaporeans.

How Much CPF Contributions to Pay?

The CPF contribution rate is divided into two parts:

  • Employee Contribution Rate: This is the percentage of your salary that you contribute to your CPF account.
  • Employer Contribution Rate: This is the percentage of your salary that your employer contributes to your CPF account.

Breakdown of CPF Rate Singapore

The breakdown below shows the CPF contribution rates for employees and employers as of 2024. Please note that these rates are subject to change, and it’s essential to refer to the official CPF website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

CPF Contribution Rates for Employees

Here’s a simplified overview of CPF contribution rates for employees. Please note that these rates are subject to change, and you should refer to the official CPF website for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

  • Employees aged 55 and below: Contribute 20% of their monthly wages.
  • Employees aged 55 to 60: Contribute 15% of their monthly wages.
  • Employees aged 60 to 65: Contribute 11.5% of their monthly wages.
  • Employees aged 65 to 70: Contribute 7.5% of their monthly wages.
  • Employees aged 70 and above: Contribute 5% of their monthly wages.

Important notes:

  • The above rates are for employees earning up to a certain income ceiling.
  • Employers contribute a matching percentage to the employee’s CPF account.
  • The CPF contributions are divided among three accounts: Ordinary Account (OA), Special Account (SA), and Medisave Account (MA). The allocation varies based on age.

CPF Contribution Rates for Employers

Employers in Singapore are required to contribute a specific percentage of their employees’ wages to their CPF accounts. The employer contribution rate is generally higher than the employee contribution rate.

  • Employees aged 55 and below: Employers contribute 17% of the employee’s monthly wages.
  • Employees aged 55 to 60: Employers contribute 14.5% of the employee’s monthly wages.
  • Employees aged 60 to 65: Employers contribute 12% of the employee’s monthly wages.
  • Employees aged 65 to 70: Employers contribute 9% of the employee’s monthly wages.
  • Employees aged 70 and above: Employers contribute 7.5% of the employee’s monthly wages.

Important notes:

  • The employer contribution rate also varies based on the employee’s income level.
  • Employers are responsible for remitting the CPF contributions to the CPF Board on a monthly basis.

Factors Affecting CPF Rate Singapore

Several factors influence your CPF contribution rate:

  • Age: As you age, both your and your employer’s contribution rates generally decrease.

  • Income level: There is an income ceiling for CPF contributions.

  • Employment status: Full-time, part-time, and self-employed individuals have different contribution rates.

  • Citizenship or residency status: Permanent Residents (PRs) and Singapore Citizens (SCs) have different contribution rates.

Maximizing Your CPF Savings

While CPF contributions are mandatory, there are ways to maximize your savings:

  • Understand your CPF accounts: Learn the purpose of each account (OA, SA, MA) and how to use them effectively.
  • Utilize CPF benefits: Take advantage of CPF-supported housing loans, investment schemes, and healthcare plans.
  • Consider voluntary contributions: You can contribute additional amounts to your CPF account.

CPF Rate Singapore: The Importance to Secure Your Future

The CPF plays a vital role in Singaporeans’ financial well-being. It provides a safety net for retirement, healthcare, and housing needs. By understanding your CPF contribution rate and making the most of your CPF savings, you can build a secure financial future.

Navigate Complexities of CPF Filing with GOHRBPO

Outsourcing your CPF filing to a specialized service like GOHRBO can provide significant relief. With their expertise in HR and payroll management, GOHRBO can efficiently handle your CPF contributions, ensuring accurate and timely submissions to the CPF Board. This allows you to focus on core business operations while maintaining compliance with CPF regulations.

Additional Resources

For the most accurate and up-to-date information on CPF contribution rates, please refer to the official CPF Board website.

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